Monday, April 03, 2006

Wanted: One Brain

I swear, that's all I need. Just one.

So long as it's functional, of course.

After almost four months back in the work saddle, I think mine's gone off or been misplaced.

When I was, for all intents and purposes, a SAHM, I read a lot. Thick, meaty texts on the politics of breastfeeding, the economics of family, class and money in American society, blah blah blah.

When I started working again, my reading grew a little lighter. Terry Pratchett on the bus, maybe the occasional Neil Gaiman, or a nice Rucka thriller.

After a few weeks, it grew lighter still. A comic book here and there. Maybe a catalogue. Better still, a catalogue of comic books! Not that I'm keeping up with the ones I do buy.

It's hard to focus on anything deeper than Moo, Baa, La La La these days, and that'd probably be hard, too, if I didn't have the damn thing memorized. Hell, even a good bodice ripper requires more effort than I'm willing to put forth.

I blame working.

I've felt myself sliding into stupidity since I started.

Sure, I FEEL more intellectually stimulated, but that's just because I'm around humans who know more than three words and aren't afraid to use them to shoot the poop. And I'm busy doing what I'm paid to do and doing it well, which makes me feel no end of clever about 60% of the time, but in reality probably takes less in the way of brainpower than budgeting and cooking did, and certainly takes less than parenting an active, curious baby.

Maybe it leaked out my ear.

My brain, that is.

The one I swear I used to have.


At 3:53 PM, Blogger Susan said...

I love Moo Baa La La La. Have you gotten the Philadelphia Chickens book and CD yet? So very worth it!

And yes! My brain has also leaked out my ear! It was very messy, but fairly painless. And a little sad.

At 9:57 PM, Blogger mohmlet said...

Not yet! I keep meaning to, and forgetting when I'm actually at the store.

I have this theory that in 18 years, despite all science to the contrary, I'll grow a whole new brain to replace the one I've lost.


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