Monday, January 23, 2006

Dear diary, today I pumped in the restroom.

Honestly--and I hate to say it--it wasn't that bad.

For starters, it was actually a little more relaxing than pumping at my desk had been. At least in the restroom, I can lock my stall door. Despite having a closed door with a sign on it, I've been walked in on more than once. More than twice, even.

Maybe I should have put a cow on the sign.

Anyhow, let me assure you, constantly expecting that was hell on my letdown.

Over time, I'm sure I'll come to find using the restroom for pumping kind of--well, disgusting and degrading are two words that spring to mind. But that's the future (okay, probably next week). Today had the sort of "Gosh, I feel like I've added to my Pumping Mother Street Cred Uphill Both Ways!" feel to it, which managed to effectively negate most of the negative.


(Despite the lack of a mother's room where I'm working, I do have other, non-toilet stall options available, but they're logistically quite a bit more difficult.)


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