Sunday, January 22, 2006

Fuzzi Bunz: I feel like I've joined a cult.

I never expected to get into cloth diapering the way I have. At best, I figured it would be an easy way to cut costs without too much suffering on our part.

When I did find myself getting a wee bit obsessive about the things, I told myself that at least I hadn't fallen prey to the pocket diaper craze. This somehow made me feel more in control of the diaper addiction, in the "Oh, but at least I only drink wine, not hard liquor!" sort of way.

A couple of weeks ago, while on eBay during a break, I saw someone had listed a lime green petite toddler sized FB with a reasonable buy-it-now. I bought, it came, it conquered.

Not only was it lime green, a color I love in ways that are not good for me, it was every bit as good as I'd heard through the diaper grapevine. It was love, if not at first sight, at least at first overnight, when we had a hard time telling if she was wet or not. Oh, and even stuffed with a regular prefold, it was trim.

As the girl will still easily fit in a medium (much easier to find than the petite), and I've been watching eBay like a hawk, we now have seven Fuzzi Bunz, two Happy Heinys, and an assortment of inserts. There's a Wonderoo on its way. My watch list is, as they say in the Cult of Cloth, chock full o' fluff. I'm sold. Converted. Evangelical, even. They live up to the hype.

(Oh, and in the Happy Heinys vs. Fuzzi Bunz debate, I'm still undecided. I think the HHs are a little more sturdy, but the FBs feel drier AND have snaps instead of velcro, which makes a difference when your child has learned the wonders of pulling off the velcro tabs.)


At 3:20 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Mwah ha ha ha!!!! You are now one of us!!!!

(okay, that was more of a borg type post, but FB really are that great. I've bought a few others kinds to see if I was missing anything, but we only use them when all the FB are in the wash. Ellie still fits in her smalls during the day but at night we use mediums with a double liner. I can still stick two fingers in the mediums even on the smallest setting so I think she will be in smalls for a while. )

At 9:09 PM, Blogger mohmlet said...

I just stuffed them all and set them in our All-in-One bin, so they're ready to go. Wow! The girl fits the mediums on the snuggest setting--I don't think she'll outgrow them for months.


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