Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Well, rats.

I was doing just fine until about ten minutes ago, when the boy (looking at a picture we took of the girl on Monday) said that the picture was sad, because she's looking at the camera with her little half-smile and no idea what's ahead of her (which turned out to be several hours of hunger and misery as she refused all efforts to feed her).

Now I feel gut-punched and guilty.

Fingers crossed that she eats tomorrow.

(Which I guess is, if I'm being pedantic about it, today already.)


At 4:16 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Had the same thing I happened to me, I would have reacted the same way, but probably with tears, too. I felt the same way when Ellie got her first shots - but they were necessary. I know you don't need me to say this, but she will probably thrive in daycare. It won't ever be as good as mom all around, but she will get lots of good things out of it.

I'll be hoping L is feeling more accepting of the bottle today.


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