Friday, November 18, 2005

Things I should be doing.

  • Going into the basement and putting the diapers in the dryer.
  • Going into the kitchen and entertaining the girl while the boy does something.
  • Getting ready to go help the girl's semi-Aunt with a project.
  • Researching new and exciting foods with which to tempt the girl.
  • Preparing for Candyfest 2005 by making sure I have all the ingredients needed for caramels.
  • Anything other than playing around on the Internet.

And yet...

I would page my motivation, but I'm feeling too lazy to move.

In other news, I've decided that all diapers purchased from now until potty training will be of the one size variety. As the girl slowly outgrows some of her fitteds (the Kissaluv moved out of rotation two weeks ago, and the Kooshies Cuddlers are straining at the size limits), I'm slowly replacing them with one sizes. I lucked into three Motherease one-size fitteds at the consignment store last weekend. There'll be a full review later, but so far, so good. I don't like them as much as I like my Growing Greens, but at $2.95 each in nearly-new condition, they were well worth the price.

As, I should mention, was the $15 basic Exersaucer. Sure, it's bare-bones, but it seems to entertain her when we adults need our hands.

The other big consignment score was a straight swap of our old (black and hard to find) Robeez for a slightly dressier pair of black Robeez. No more shall the girl suffer from shoes that do not match her outfit! (I mean, the pink ones with the bunnies are cute and all, but they kind of clash with her leopard print dress.)


At 3:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I saw what looked like knock-off Robeez at Target -- have you seen them? I don't how what the difference in quality would be, though. They're in the aisle with the baby socks and slippers and stuff.


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