Thursday, February 16, 2006

More thoughts on diapers. Exciting, I know.

I've decided I don't like pocket diapers for overnight. They just don't have the oomph of a hemp fitted with a fleece-topped doubler and a wool wrap.

Good thing I've got lots of all of the above.

While I'm still trying very hard to be budget-minded, I am taking advantage of my income to upgrade the diaper stash. I even bought (gasp) some brand-new diapers. Swaddlebees reviews will be forthcoming, as Heiny King had the buy-two-get-one-free deal going on last week. I also got two new Happy Heiny's and a bunch of wipes, because I wanted to push myself over that free shipping edge. (Besides, I needed wipes. Mine were rags cut with pinking shears, and most of them have worn down to the size of a postage stamp.) An unrelated purchase got me some WAHM-made diapers.

I get so used to the look and feel of secondhand everything that new baby stuff seems weird to me.

While I'm not keen on pockets for overnight, daytime's another story. Pockets have me back in the mindset of cloth-while-out, as they lack bulk, keep her fairly comfortable, and fit in the Skip-Hop with just a slight unsightly bulge. The Skip-Hop's a great bag, but not exactly designed with crunchy, cloth-diapering mothers in mind. (I did find a diaper bag designed for cloth diapering, but it was a limited edition unbleached organic cotton high price tag kind of a bag. I'll stick with the unsightly bulge, thanks.)

Given a clean stash, I find that I'll reach for a Happy Heiny's (the spelling just looks wrong to me, but that is what the tag says, and I suppose they mean that the diaper belongs to a cheerful rear or something) before I reach for a Fuzzi Bunz. This is partly because they seem to fit the girl better, and partly because she's taken to flipping out when we change her, and aplix is faster than snaps when you've got a midget Linda Blair on your hands.


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