Sunday, July 16, 2006

Falling off the fluff wagon

So a very long time ago--almost a year now--when my child was stuck in Size 2 diapers (one of the sizes you can't get bulk) and we were keeping our budget belt very tight indeed so that I could stay at home as long as possible, we switched to using cloth diapers. I got some prefolds and some fitteds, and haunted the various consignment shops for covers, and for several months, this did us just fine. I spent hours lurking on Diaper Pin's boards, practiced my snappi technique, and developed strong opinions regarding the beauty of the bikini twist fold. I also developed a mild case of yearning to try out some of the fancier options available in diaperland.

Then came December.

In December, I went back to work. (Also of note: in December, the girl finally moved up to a size 3, which you can get in bulk, which we do for daycare.)

In December, I broke down and started buying some of the aforementioned fancy diapers. Now, there's a strong secondhand market for good quality pocket diapers and AIOs (all-in-ones), and a large section of that market is on eBay. Which I can access from work.

You can probably see where this is going.

By the time I determined I was through buying (at least for this size), I had enough of the fancy ones to last me a couple weeks. Sure, I would have occasional lapses (like when the BumGenius colors were released, and I pounced as soon as I woke up that morning, or when I decided we needed some velcro-based hemp diapers for night time, now that we had a squirmy toddler), but for the most part, I was very good about not buying diapers for several months.

Very good.

I even stopped lurking at the Pin, for clearly, I was through. No more diapers until next size up, if we're not potty trained by then.

The other day I was bored and at home and had nothing better to do than see what was new at the Pin.

Swaddlebees has come out with an AIO.

I bought two.

There's a reason why I called this place The Spendthrift's Progress, and not the Spendthrift's Sudden and Incredible Ability to Save Her Pennys.

(Why, yes, there were no posts for the month of June. June was a nightmare of daycare plagues. Let us speak of it no more.)