Change (all sorts of)
Today, we started solids.Sure, there should be scare quotes around the word solids, as a tablespoon of organic rice cereal mixed with a liberal amount of breastmilk is thinner than a supermodel after a bout of food poisoning, but scare quotes or no, the girl has started on food from a source other than me.
I'm not sure how she felt about it. She liked the spoon, as it angled nicely and felt good against the spots where her latest teeth are pushing through, but she seemed indifferent about the actual product we were offering up. I can't say as I blame her, seeing how rice cereal's not exactly a four star meal.
In a few days, we'll try some pureed pears so she doesn't get stuck with the impression that all food tastes like wallpaper paste. Not that she knows what wallpaper paste tastes like. I do, but contrary to what an alarming number of SciFi tales would have us believe, we don't pass that knowledge down on our DNA.
It's another tight budget week. The boy's family decided we'd all go do some sort of autumn event this weekend. It was fun, though not exactly my sort of thing, and it ate up about a fifth of the budget in one fell swoop. Throw in gas and groceries for the week, and I'm down to a dollar bill and the contents of my change purse until next Sunday. A month or two ago, this would have been an exceedingly depressing thing to realize.
Now it's only mildly so.
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