Monday, September 12, 2005

Looking forward, looking back

The girl is five months old tomorrow.

I keep catching myself thinking, "Oh, this is what they mean when they say they grow up so fast."

Last night I looked through pictures from her first two months while she slept beside me. I kept stealing glimpses of her face, trying to see my skinny little newborn in her plump cheeks and ruffled hair. That hair, now a light brown that glints copper, silver, or gold depending on the light, was so dark those first days it looked black. Months on her back hadn't yet worn down the length on the back and sides of her head, leaving her with just a wild mop on the top and a silly little fringe on the nape like a New Wave pop star.

In the months to come, she'll learn to sit (she's already about half the way to it), to stand, to run. Her hair will grow back, her limbs will thin out, and I'll catch myself looking at pictures of her now, trying to puzzle out where my chubby baby girl is hiding underneath her toddler shell.

I've seen so many variations on this sort of post from other people that I almost hesitate to write it down myself. After all, it's not like I'm saying anything that hasn't been said before. It's funny, but I never realized how something that sounds so trite could feel so very profound.


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It's the truth. I'm working on my third child, and you'd think I wouldn't marvel at each new word or accomplishment, having seen it all before, but I do. Every child is a like a gift, even when you're an old hand.


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