Disposable day
Today, as I was going to be selling a lot of my old clothing at a multi-household yard sale with few chances to set the girl down for a change, I put her in Huggies for the first time in weeks.Wow. Suddenly, her pants fit. Her swing fit. Her carseat straps had to be tightened. It really is a world adapted to the throwaways, isn't it?
I felt mildly guilty about using the things. I guess I've converted completely to the ways of cloth.
I earned about $35, got a couple of free items I could use, and managed to socialize, so despite the guilt, it was a good day. Almost everything sold, and the things that didn't can go to charity in the morning, freeing up some much-needed space.
The boy, finishing up a project started last night, spent the day baking bread. It's quite tasty, but I'll have to run the numbers to see if there's a savings. Probably, as the bread in question is plain sandwich loaf bread, and not something requiring fancy ingredients. He's trying the two-hour loaf found in the CI cookbook we have from the library, and if it's deemed acceptable (the other recipe won't do for regular use, as two days is far too long to wait for two loaves of sandwich bread, in my opinion), we may have to make this a weekly occurrence.
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