Sunday, September 25, 2005

Consignment scores

So, when I said I couldn't find any used Robeez, it appears I meant I literally couldn't find the basket where they hide the things. See, I'd foolishly assumed that they kept them in the same place as the shoes.

Nope. They're in small baskets tucked next to the huge shelf of new ones.

While I was going off budget for the purchase, I still was cheap and went for the very scuffed and plain white ones instead of the (half again as expensive) ones with trains on them.

But that was mainly because I didn't like the ones with trains on them. Not much of a selection in used 6-12 month shoes, I fear.

I also found things for the shower I'm attending on Saturday, and a wool Nikky wrap in large, and all of it for under the price of a single new pair of Robeez.

We survived Budget Week One.

Tomorrow starts Budget Week Two.

Cat supplies (food and litter) and another $20's worth of gas are going to be the big items.


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